How our Gender Reveal Party went terribly wrong.


Even before we found out we were pregnant, I knew I wanted to have a gender reveal party. The idea of finding out the gender of our baby with all of our family and friends surrounding us, sounded like such a fun idea!

I had the whole thing planned out down to the very last detail. It was going to be a football-themed party. Complete with game ticket invitations….
…and a personalized cake design.
I had also planned a some games, accompanied by a variety of afternoon hors d’ oeuvres.

My husband, Jordan, and I wanted to be surprised with everyone else at the party – so we didn’t find out the gender at the ultrasound appointment. The tech simply handed us a sealed envelope and away we went. It took all of my willpower not to peek on my way to the bakery. But I made it and instructed the baker to fill our cake with pink or blue frosting, accordingly. AND I made sure they knew that I DID NOT want to find out until we cut the cake.

Everything was set. All plans were in order. What could go wrong?

The big day had finally arrived. It was the longest 4 days of my life between our ultrasound appointment and the party day. But alas, it was here. It was a busy day, the morning was a flurry of loading up supplies in the car and last minute food preparation.

We had an appointment with our realtor at our future home before we had to go set up for the party. Away we went, our car loaded down with party supplies. On the way our appointment, we picked up our beautiful cake and lunch, planning to sit in the car and eat while we waited for our realtor to arrive.

And this is where everything went wrong.

Our car was too full to put the cake in the backseat, so Jordan had to hold it on his lap. No big deal. But having a giant cake on your lap, makes it difficult to eat lunch. So we decided to put the cake on the top of the car. Genius.

One thing you should know about pregnant women (if you don’t already know) is that they have to go to the bathroom a lot. So when we finished our lunch, surprise, I had to go to the bathroom. With 10 minutes to spare before our realtor appointment, we decided to make a quick trip to the closest gas station.

It took a good 4 or 5 blocks before we came to a horrifying realization.

Oh. My. God. The Cake.

I immediately stopped the car. It may have been in the middle of the road, or on someone’s yard, I don’t really recall exactly. What I do recall, with photo-realistic accuracy, was the sight of our cake in the rear view mirror. It was just how you’d imagine a cake flung onto the road at 35 mph. Total carnage. And only 1 hour to party kick-off.


Thankfully, from our distance, we couldn’t determine if it was a blue or pink cake. BUT the envelope with the gender inside was still attached to the cake box, among its splattered contents at the corner of 52nd and Bahnson. So we were faced with a few options.

We agreed that we didn’t want to find out our baby’s gender by looking at roadkill cake, so going back for the envelope was out. I don’t think I was speaking coherent English at this point, so Jordan had to call our bakery and explain what we had just done. Fortunately, the baker sympathized with our situation. She said they had our order on record, more importantly, still knew if it was supposed to be pink or blue, and that they could have another cake ready in 30 minutes.

We managed to pick up our Round Two cake, while taking several detours around the accident scene, and made it to our party in time. It was a total, absolute miracle.

Special thanks to the HyVee Bakery on 57th & Cliff in Sioux Falls, SD. You truly saved the day. And to Jeff Galde, for going back and taking a picture of the original cake in all it’s roadkill glory. That’s certainly one to add to the baby book.


I Love Letters


LetteringNo, not the kind you get in the mail. I’m talking about the alphabet baby. I started doodling words and names when I was younger. My school notebooks became portable galleries for my experimental letterforms and sketches.  I left only minimal space for note taking of course.

Growing into the graphic design profession, I’ve really taken that interest and branched into calligraphy, stylized typography and hand-lettering.

Illustrating quotes has become a great way to practice this skill. When thinking about my next quote illustration, I try to choose quotes that I can personally relate to. And do my damnedest to avoid all those clique expressions of “reaching for the sky” and “never give up on your dreams.” Barf, right?

If I’m struggling to find a great quote, I focus on well-known people that I find interesting, eccentric, beautiful. People like Julia Child who inspires me in the kitchen everyday or Hunter S. Thompson who makes me feel like it’s perfectly ok to be a little “off.”

From there, I start sketching with pencil, considering the mood of the statement. The way you illustrate the quote is of just as much importance as the quote itself.

If want to see more of my illustrated quote posters, check out the Etsy shop.


Never Worry About “What’s For Dinner?” Ever Again.


WhatsForDinner_700x700If you are anything like I was, trying to figure out what to make for dinner is a daily battle. With a little planning, you can eliminate that stress and also save a ton of money on your grocery bill. Here’s how to get started:

STEP ONE – Get organized. 

You’re going to need a binder, nothing fancy, a simple 1” binder will due. Then you’ll need to download and print these handy binder pages I’ve created for you:

Click to download FreezerInventory PDF
Click to download DinnerIdeasPages PDF
Click to download BlankCalendar PDF

STEP TWO – Dinner Ideas Pages

I dug out my recipe books or cards (whichever you use) and began jotting down meals into each category on the Dinner Ideas Pages. I choose meals that I know we have eaten and enjoyed in the past. Don’t forget about easy, no-recipe meals like grilled hamburgers, marinated chicken breasts, etc. etc.

There’s also a page for “New Recipes.” I use this page when I go on a Pinterest bender. If you have used Pinterest, you know what I’m talking about. If you haven’t been on Pinterest, then what are you waiting for?? Get over there NOW. But finish ready my post first.

I’ll write down a few new recipes I’d like to try that I can refer to later when I want to be adventurous, for a special meal or just get sick of the usual routine.

STEP THREE – Take an inventory of your pantry, fridge and freezer.

Keep in mind that I plan on a monthly basis. So usually the last week of the month, I’ll start getting an idea of what we’ll have left over. I plan meals accordingly in the next month to use up what we’ve already got on hand. If you’d like, you can use the Freezer Inventory List you downloaded in Step One.

STEP FOUR – Start filling in the dates on your calendar.

Make it an enjoyable process rather than a chore. Pick a quiet night when you can relax on the couch in your pajamas with a glass of wine and your favorite tunes.

With my next month calendar in hand, I cross off dates that I know we’ll be eating out or away from home. No need to plan a meal for those days!

Next, you can fill in some dates based on the food you’ve already got on hand. We usually have enough left over to fill up a few days or so. Then I refer to my Dinner Idea Pages and start filling in accordingly.

Always consider your own schedule. For example, if Tuesday nights are especially busy for you, try to plan ahead and have leftovers that day or choose a meal that’s quick and simple to prepare. I usually pick a new recipe to try on Saturdays because I have more time to make a meal that might require more prep. You can also establish traditions. For example, Sunday night is always homemade pizza and movie night at our house, so that’s one less day I need to plan. Click here for the $4 Buck Pizza Recipe.

On the weekends, I also like to plan lunches if I’m able to. This saves us from resorting to fast-food dining. These are usually quicker, easier meals like grilled sandwiches, hot dogs, protein smoothies or salads.

STEP FIVE – Begin creating your grocery shopping list.

I cross-reference my Inventory List to make sure I’m not buying something I’ve already got. We generally do one big shopping trip at the end of the month, to stock up for the next month. Then I only need to make quick stops at the grocery store to pick up fresh produce or other perishables.

STEP SIX – Never Worry About “What’s For Dinner?” Ever Again.

Still not convinced this system is for you? Here are some of the benefits to adopting a menu planning lifestyle.

You will reduce your grocery bill by buying only what you’re going to us and reducing spoilage/waste.

Also, many of us dine out as a solution to the “what’s for dinner?” problem. This is costly and usually an unhealthy alternative to eating at home.

You can make life easier. Look ahead to the next day’s menu plan and see if you can prepare anything in advance. Take frozen foods out the freezer the night before so it’s ready to go.

Family meal times are proven to promote general well-being and strong family relationships.

You can plan a healthier menu in advance. When we’re hungry and stressed, we’re more likely to grab convenience foods, which are never good for you. It goes without saying that a healthier diet can help you reach your weight loss or fitness goals.

And finally, less stress for you. Which is what really matters right?

I hope you found this insightful! I’d love to hear your monthly menu strategies or answer any of your questions!

Hello, 2015.


I’m not going to start this post off by saying “Wow, 2014 really flew by” or “2014 was such a great year, filled with all kinds of blessing, etc etc, blah blah blah.”

You have all heard the mushy-gushy stuff from almost everyone on your Facebook page and just about everywhere else.

What I am going to say is that I do appreciate reflecting back on the previous year and those we’ve shared it with, but I mostly look forward. To 2015. For me, it’s about setting goals. Not resolutions.

So what are my goals for 2015?

WHAT: Stick to my Sketch Journal
HOW: I’ll keep up with The Daily Sketch on a weekly basis.

WHAT: Paint at Least Once a Week
HOW: Get inspired, prep and plan for a designated one-night painting night.

WHAT: Complete a Class on Skillshare
HOW: AIGA has partnered with Skillshare to offer members 1-month free. Great opportunity to learn from some inspiring people! If you are interested, click here.

WHAT: Launch a Project on Kickstarter
HOW: Design something just for fun, but also useful and creative. Launch a project on Kickstarter. Sink or swim, it will still be fun!

WHAT: Design Something Just For Fun
HOW: See previous goal.

WHAT: Join a Local Organization
HOW: My local chapter of AIGA is looking for new board members. I plan on applying at the next January meeting and get on board!

I think that’s a pretty good start. As they should, most goals will evolve and change as time goes on and new opportunities present themselves. I am excited to see what lays ahead in the future. And you better believe, I’ll keep you updated.

Cheers to you. Cheers to 2015.