I Love Letters


LetteringNo, not the kind you get in the mail. I’m talking about the alphabet baby. I started doodling words and names when I was younger. My school notebooks became portable galleries for my experimental letterforms and sketches.  I left only minimal space for note taking of course.

Growing into the graphic design profession, I’ve really taken that interest and branched into calligraphy, stylized typography and hand-lettering.

Illustrating quotes has become a great way to practice this skill. When thinking about my next quote illustration, I try to choose quotes that I can personally relate to. And do my damnedest to avoid all those clique expressions of “reaching for the sky” and “never give up on your dreams.” Barf, right?

If I’m struggling to find a great quote, I focus on well-known people that I find interesting, eccentric, beautiful. People like Julia Child who inspires me in the kitchen everyday or Hunter S. Thompson who makes me feel like it’s perfectly ok to be a little “off.”

From there, I start sketching with pencil, considering the mood of the statement. The way you illustrate the quote is of just as much importance as the quote itself.

If want to see more of my illustrated quote posters, check out the Etsy shop.


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